
18 November 2010

Didn't get the tree up today, but Lily had a BLAST painting...very serious, tongue out the whole time, very proud of each portrait, absolutely wanted no help from anyone.  We got through half of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Lily got to watch "The Snowman", and Matt's cinnamon rolls were a big hit here and next door, which we fondly call "Seaside Assisted Living."

The guys had a great day, too, making fun of each other's cooking, studying and more soccer, and tonight are watching Home Alone 2 because Home Alone 1 "made them cry, it was so hilarious."

As far as Lily is concerned, all is well and right with the world: Mommy and Daddy are home, bunches of her friends are playing with her throughout the day, Shayla brought her a bag of Cheetos, she got to watch a "Moo-me" (movie), she had homemade cinnamon rolls for lunch, and the cat played ball with her all cholera, no elections, no violence, no problems.  She is a refreshing bundle of joy for our community here!

1 comment:

  1. Love the tongue!!! You are all much in our prayers & thoughts these days!
