
27 February 2010

On the verge of forgetting that we CAN talk about something other than the earthquake, work and ministry, Matt, Lily and I are heading for the beach this morning after Evangelistic English class. We're even going to spend the night and come back tomorrow afternoon/evening, something we've never done as a family! If you can't get ahold of us, that's why...SO THANKFUL for this opportunity...


  1. Good for you!! I'm sure you both really need that break! I remember that as busy as Dave and Marilyn S were on the field (field directors the last few years), they tried very hard to get away to the beach every Saturday they possibly could. You need that time away -- personally and as a family. Enjoy!

  2. OOOH, sounds like fun - relaxed evening meal after all the "day" people leave, waking up to the waves - enjoy! S

  3. Someone posted your blog on their facebook when the hurricane hit and I've bookmarked you guys. I was on your mailing list a few years ago but I hadn't heard anything from you guys in a while. I'm so thankful that I found your blog! Praying for you guys all the time :) :) :)
