
20 January 2010

back from the DR

Been promising family and friends that are lifting up Lily during this rough time a few pictures from the week...

Matt had just SUCH a successful trip, and can't believe all the practical ways they were able to help SO MANY organizations have the fuel and medicines and supplies they need to feed, clothe and protect people, as well as provide fuel for hospitals to do surgeries and emergency medical care.

One of the organizations he and the guys were purchasing/delivering through was contacted today by the US Army and Samaritan's Purse, asking them to please get them fuel because these trips were so surprisingly successful. It is REALLY, really, REALLY difficult to get things done efficiently in Haiti, much less while traveling back and forth between Haiti and the DR. The second truck tonight even got through the Dominican border, they closed the Dominican border after them, only to cross the bridge marking the border and finding the Haitian border already closed for the day. It took several HOURS for the "man that has the key" to be found and come let them INTO Haiti. For hours, I don't know what country they were in :)

He also was able to build some really good relationships with the other 5 men he worked with, Haitians and Americans...all about the relationships. Here's a few pictures to show you how surprising their success was :)
It is being said that there are 5000 people leaving Port-au-Prince and arriving in Cap-Haitien EVERY single day....Matt could tell the difference last night driving through Cap...

I'm just glad he's home!
Update tomorrow...


  1. Love the pictures of that God given Cutie!!
    Glad your home Matt.

    In all that you are seeing
    In all that you are hearing
    May the filter of the Holy Spirit only let stick what draws you close to Him.
    In His Love,

  2. hi stacey,m@t ,llily:)
    i miss you aTON can not wait till you you get back i pray for you at school,bed ,morning sooo any ways i am praying for you/hati at all times i am sooooooooo hapy matt got home safely well i got to go talk later may god bless you and keep you may his face shine unponyou each day

    love,lydia billingsley:)

  3. Lily is looking gorgeous in those photographs.
    We pray for you and Haiti. We pray that God will renew your strenght but also give you time to rest. Love you all!

  4. Oh my goodness Lily has really gotten big. She is beautiful. Can't wait for you to get back hopefully safe and sound very soon.
