
03 June 2008

the love of Jesus

Sorry it's been a few days...Matt and I both have been fighting back some kind of a bug, spending quite a bit of yesterday and Sunday in bed. We're feeling better today, and trying to get back into the swing of things!

We have continued to see at least a student a day, coming by simply to "pass time" with us, pray with us and usually sing a song or two. It's a blessing to know that they'll continue to stop by whenever they are in the area.

The seminary also received a touching thank you note from a fourth year graduate yesterday, the kind of letter that you hold on to for discouraging days.

"I feel truly happy", he says, "to write to you this letter, and I am writing it to tell you thank you.
I did not feel well leaving the seminary without telling you my testimony of gratitude and without making it known everything that you have done for me.
I understand this stage of our learning must take much patience of instruction, and this touches me deeply.

I think about the fact that you have left your families, left your friends, left your church in your country, all to come and help other people in another place. I am sure there have been times that you have been discouraged, and even angry, by disobediences and struggles with the students, but you did not abandon us to return to your country.

Thank you for you helping us pay to be here, for feeding us, for giving us a place to sleep and a way to wash our clothes.
Thank you for your prayers, for your counsel and for giving us the love of Jesus.

I don't have anything to give you to accompany this letter except for my deepest thanks. I will continue to always be in prayer for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

We are definitely not here and not doing this work for the students or people to recognize that we are doing it. However, whenever someone recognizes that you have been giving them the love of Jesus, you can't help but feel a bit of success. This is why we're here, and little by little, that's getting through to people...Praise the Lord.


  1. AnonymousJune 03, 2008

    What a cool letter! Stay encouraged - God is using you to truly change and mold students. What a privilege . . . See you at conference, Mishlers

  2. AnonymousJune 03, 2008

    I agree!, that letter is fuel for the Holy Spirit to build perseverance... influencing people for Gods glory...what a RUSH!!
    See you at conference too, hopefully over some cold stone creamery.
    In His Love, Charlie
