
11 June 2008

3 years and counting...

Today is our three year anniversary...hard to believe! The Lord has done so much in our lives since that sweltering June day in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. So much has changed, but it is a blessing to see that His love for us, and our love for each other, has remained so faithful. The Lord has graciously given us both a best friend, co-worker, partner and spouse in each other, and an unchanging center in Himself.

There were not a lot of options for a special celebration, but some good friends visiting Port-au-Prince offered us their home for the day, and it is nice to be off campus! We ordered in a frozen chicken, and will have chicken and stuffing and mashed potatoes and cranberry for supper, a hugely rare and special meal for Haiti! When we get to the states in just a few more days, we'll celebrate by eating out somewhere special (that doesn't serve rice and beans!).

Thanks so much to all of you that have helped to make our marriage what it is...your prayers, teaching, training, friendship, encouragement, calls and examples and His help have given us a solid marriage in a shaky age! May God bless your Wednesday with lots of love!


  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2008

    Happy 3rd Anniversary!

    May your marriage and life together continue to be blessed.

    Enjoy your day (and chicken).

    Love Lori

  2. AnonymousJune 11, 2008

    Happy Anniversary. Can't wait to see you guys.

    Love Dad A.

  3. AnonymousJune 11, 2008

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY from Mishlers

  4. AnonymousJune 11, 2008

    Happy Anniversary Matt & Stacey!! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Blessings on you both!

    Aunt Lori

  5. AnonymousJune 11, 2008

    Happy Anniversary Matt and Stacey. God has richly blessed both of you with each other


  6. Happy Anniversary, Matt & Stacey! Hope we get to connect with you while you're in town.

    Wendy, Jon, Abby & Ann

  7. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    Happy Anniversary! Love you guys!


  8. AnonymousJune 12, 2008

    Happy, Happy, Anniversary!!
    The committment of Love in your lives is a real reflection of our Lords!
    Love ya,
