
07 May 2008

How much do you pounds?

This is my wonderful class, the first year, bearing their best serious photo-faces. This week we have been learning, lengths, weights, temperature, and measurement, and for many of them, this is the first time they've studied these concepts, much less learned them in English. I took a scale (thanks, Rick and Marlene!) into class today, and we worked on "comparative adjectives" as each guy weighed in.

No matter how much I talked to them about weight, they continued to ask each other, "How much do you pounds?"

They had SUCH a good time doing this, competing energetically for "first place", which they decided was the same as the being the heaviest. These ornery men loaded their pockets with keys, mangoes and wallets, hoping to win. The most interesting part of this exercise, for me, was that the large majority of them had no concept of how much they weighed. Guys smaller than me were guessing they weighed 170 or 180, and the actual average weight of the class of eleven grown men was 124 pounds. Can I just say it is pretty embarrassing weighing MORE than the class average in a class of men :)

They are special, special men who love the Lord and love each other, and are consistently asking for prayer for the many ministries they each have throughout Haiti. I'm going to miss them this summer!

Also pictured here is the newest baby of my class. Cherisme's baby girl, "Chris-lovely" or "Christ is lovely", is a month old now, and just precious!

I came upon this passage yesterday in my devotional time, and was reminded deeply of you all...It is a frequently used verse, but carried more weight with me this time.

"I thank my God in all my remembrances of you,
always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all,
in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
For I am confident of this very thing,
that He who began a good work in you
will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:3-6

We DO always remember you with Joy, and thank the Lord for you. You have been a part of this, most of you, from the very first day until now, and we are so excited to be with you as He promises to complete the good work He has started in us all.

Maybe you don't feel much like He's doing "good work" in you today, but He promises that He is, and that He'll continue to work with us until that perfect day. Thank you for working with us. It is exciting to think of all of the ministry God is doing through all of you around the world in so many different capacities. We're blessed to be a part of your family, and these guys are blessed to be a part of your family, too.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    I love all the new concepts you and Matt teach these men. I can guarantee you I have never been with a group of women who wanted to be the winner of the contest "How much do you pounds"!

    We are all blessed to see how God continues to use and work with you both.

    Love Lori
