
11 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Haitian Mother's Day is not for another 2 weeks, but we are going with our heart culture today! We have been blessed in life by quite a few mothers, and wanted to show you just a few of the people in our lives who do some amazing mothering. We love you and are sending our love today!

Matt's mama (on Matt's left), Grandmom Kay (on Matt's right) and Aunt Candy (above) are frequently letting him know that they love him (and me) of the best things we've realized a mom can do! We miss you!!!

Stacey's dad and sister constantly shower us with love and friendship...I am convinced that my dad is the best mom a girl could have.

Matt's Grandmom Mollie is dear to us both and is constantly holding us in her heart and prayers. We're taking you to Applebee's when we get home!

Stacey's grandma and Aunt Patty...They continue to pour love and prayers on us. Don't know where we'd be without these two women...

Happy Mother's Day to all of you, and to all the rest of the men and women playing invaluable roles in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 12, 2008

    Thank you for honoring the Mothers in your lives. We are the privileged ones, for having two amazing children like you two. You are loved much more than words could ever express.
    I'll be sure to copy this blog entry for Mollie and Kay, they'll love it.

    Miss you
