
25 May 2008

Happy 50th Anniversary!

This has been a busy busy week as OMS celebrates 50 YEARS in Haiti! Over 25 retired missionaries, missionaries from headquarters and friends of the mission flew in for five days full of events...including a soccer tournament, a musical concert, tours, picnics, a huge "celebration" event, a time for retired Haiti missionaries to talk about how things were when they were here, visiting area churches today, and a huge banquet tomorrow night. It has been a really busy time, especially as we are also trying to prepare for our last two days of classes and graduation on Thursday right after everyone leaves!
However, it is wonderful to be surrounded by several friends and to realize that what Matt and I are doing is just a tiny part of the rich history OMS has in Haiti. We are blessed to be a part of this organization and to be a part of this history. I know full well that things have changed a lot, but we are confident that the Lord's heart hasn't changed for Haiti, and we are blessed to be a part of what He's doing here!
Thanks for being a part of His continued plan for His people here!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 26, 2008

    Sounds like a fun party.....well sort of! I am assuming Martin and Sharon are behaving and that they are not suffering any party hangovers!
    Bondye beni ou,
