
08 April 2008

a few things on our heart...

Our field has been praying urgently for something every since we moved here, and it finally occurred to Matt and I that if we are praying about it continually, we should let people know! Our short-term field treasurer is leaving in June, and we have NO prospects of someone to replace him. As a field with several ministries and projects, and lots of daily financial needs, having a field treasurer is a Must.

We have been praying fervently that the Lord would heavily lay this burden on someone's heart and then provide for them to fulfill that calling. If you've been feeling the Lord leading you in a new direction, or feel that He has been asking you to step out on faith to serve Him somewhere different, and if you are an accountant or a treasurer, we would LOVE to get you some more information about this! Send us an email...

Secondly, we are also praying urgently about the food crisis here in Haiti. We mentioned in our last newsletter rising food prices, and about how difficult life is therefore becoming for our Haitian brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, food prices have continued to grow, and the desperation and struggle is beginning to turn into anger and protest. Please pray for Haiti, for the families that make it up, and for peace to continue despite circumstances.

Also, we want to give God all the glory for a practical way He has been providing for us through you! A few months ago, we let you know about a need that we have for a vehicle while we serve here in Haiti. We needed $35,000, a sum that seemed like it would take 5 years to raise. We told the Lord that we believed reliable and available transportation was a need that we had to serve here in Haiti.

Praise the Lord, we can tell you today, only 3 months later, that we are 77% funded for this vehicle, with only $8080 more to go! We continue to see God do things that were impossible, and continue to see Him provide for us in so many ways. His faithfulness, and yours, is such a constant encouragement to us! Please be praying with us that God would minister through us in more powerful and widespread ways because of this little truck.

If you haven't already, check out our summer schedule to the right...we are so excited to see you in just a few months! (and to eat lots and lots of ice cream, steak, milk and pizza!)


  1. Thanks once again for sharing your heart. We are putting the need out as well and on April 20 giving a direct challenge for the treasurer position. Shake the tree and see if any fruit falls!
    Love ya'll

  2. Charlie is right. Sometimes shaking the tree is the only way to get the fruit. What a blessing to do life together. I am praying that Lord continues to show Himself faithful.

  3. I hadn't had a chance to read your updates for a few days, you have blessed me greatly! Uh, by the way, your summer schedule has a bit of a problem - no time in Kansas!! Sharon & I plan to be there for the 50th celebration, so we'll catch up then.

    Love you guys,
