We have had a particularly touching week, the first week Matt says that he has felt overwhelmingly at home. We are moved and challenged, and the Lord is glorified, by our students.
Wednesday, a student in Matt's 4th year class came to the administration, telling them that one of the other 4th year students, "Jonas" was packing his things to leave. When the administration asked why, they were told that this student had exhausted every resource, and simply could not afford one more session (2 week course).
The dean called in Jonas, a student that we have both found to be of outstanding character. Jonas has asked both of us many times to pray for his father, who is not a Christian, and is heavy-set against Jonas being a pastor and being in Seminary. What he hadn't told us was that his father has always refused to let the family help Jonas pay for Seminary, even encouraging extended family and friends not to help.
Our dean asked Jonas about his situation, and he confirmed that he truly had absolutely no money, but would not beg for exceptions to be made for him, but instead would leave until he could find it. The dean asked him how he had afforded to go the last sessions, and it was his answer that touched us both so much.
For the last year, the other students in the 4th year class have scrounged together all of their money and paid for Jonas to be here. Many of them are sponsored by churches or helped by family members, so they put together bits of their personal money each session, totally the $20 US it costs for each session.
Jonas was leaving now, not only because he had not another penny, but because the entire 4th year class had not another cent. These ten men have all given so much, that they could no longer scrape together 20 dollars between them.
They have all spent their money, not on dinner or music or clothing or transportation, but have sacrificed to help one of their own Study the Bible. Train to be a pastor. Be a part of our classes.
There have been times that moving to Haiti has felt like a sacrifice. But in this week, we have been utterly humbled by true sacrifice. Who would not find themselves to be at home among such men!
Yesterday, a donor gave all the money necessary to cover the rest of Jonas's education. Matt went to their little home to rejoice with them. Their dorm home is about the same size as our current house, but with 8 men sharing it. For thirty minutes, he just "hung out" with them, laughing and talking. When he left, they said, "No foreigner has EVER visited our home. Thank you. You give us value."
We are overjoyed to find them mistaken...
It is their "before all else" value of the Lord that is changing OUR lives.
What a blessing! May the Lord continue to protect you and the Seminary students.
ReplyDeleteWOW....What a truly humbling story. These are some very unique men that Christ has chosen. I believe that it will be men like these seminary students that will help lead Haiti out of it's darkness. Praise God that the Lord provided for Jonas to continue on with his education.
ReplyDeleteI praise God that he has placed Matt and you there to help these men in their journey, and we are all blessed and learn much from them.
Love, Lori