
06 January 2008

transcends all understanding

We had a true Sabbath today: sat on a little beach and prayed, talked about the Lord, talked about why we're here, talked and prayed and cried over our little nephew, read the Word, and found a lot of peace, clarity and insight as we sought Him together. As baby Brody fights, as our precious family hurts and prays, as another semester at the Seminary starts Wednesday, as we feel far from where we wish we could be, and yet right where we're supposed to be at the same time, we both settled in with this verse today:

"Do not be anxious about Anything,
but in Everything,
by Prayer and Petition,
with Thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the Peace of God,
which Transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds
in Jesus Christ." Philippians 4:6-7
Anxious about NOTHING, praying about EVERYTHING, and with thankful hearts. We are ready for a new semester to do all that we can to bring this peace of God to a hurting world...Thank you for your continued prayers for Brody and our family. It's amazing how deeply you can love a little one you've never even met. Please keep praying for our students as they return Tuesday and Wednesday for a new semester, and for some, a last semester before they head out to make His mark on this island.



  1. We're praying with you for Brody... and also for you both.
    love, Bob & Roberta

  2. I am always amazed at God's personal touch in our lives both through His Spirit and His Word. I am also amazed and touched by who you are. My deepfelt heart is with you as I see a tremendous God moving in such a tremendous couple.
    Love you both,
