new seminary is going to bring SO MANY changes, to the Seminary and to our lives. The compound is entirely different than our current compound. All of our ministries are located on our compound, so there are people coming and going to and around our house all hours of the day. On this new compound, housing only the seminary, every person, every building, and every visitor will be involved at Emmuas: It will be an exciting way to be more focused on training pastors! (1st picture)
Saturday was the field leader's wife's birthday. She and I went clothes "shopping" while Matt helped her husband at the pool with their 4 kids. All shopping is done right in the middle of town. Stand upon stand of "stuff" is piled into a small area, and you weave here and there, trying to find the "section" that you want. All the shoes are in one section (hand-me downs from the Salvation Army in the US), the "food court" in another, plastic buckets in one area, and women's clothing in another. Obviously, you cannot try anything on, so you rifle through piles of second hand clothing, find something you think might fit you, barter down a price (all the while being woven through by wheelbarrows full of merchandise, animals, and literally hundreds of people.) Add in the fact that you are the only 2 foreigners in the entire open-air market, and you have quite the experience!
Sunday we went to a church that is held on the roof of a school. There were so many children involved at the church! They had a children's singing group, and it was so awesome to hear them sing with one voice praises to OUR Lord. "You can't go to heaven (to heaven!) if you walk with Satan (Satan!) here on the earth (no no no!)"
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