Saturday night, we were extra blessed to go on a triple date with two of our favorite missionary couples. We went to Mont Joli, or Beautiful Mountain, a restaurant/hotel right on the side of a mountain. It was REALLY nice, and a visiting team gave one of the couples enough money for all 6 of us to eat!

The food was the same as it is at the other big restaurant in Cap-Haitien (or anywhere in Cap-Haitien, for that matter :), but it was still so nice! Most of all, it was nice to be on a REAL DATE, at a nice place with great people.
Sunday we took 12 visitors to a church in Chaste Noir, Haiti. It was WAY out in the country, but was a really special church. It was beautifully decorated with streamers (toilet paper) and ribbon curls...worshipping with country churches is one of our very favorite things to do. The people hold such a passion for the Lord, and carry such joy.

One session at the Seminary ended today, and our three visiting professors leave tomorrow. Tomorrow morning starts another 2 week session. The next session Matt is teaching is at the end of February. Our Hebrew and English classes continue to go really well. Stacey is spending more and more time on marketing, now adding some projects for OMS's "Evangelical Voice of Haiti" radio station. Working with people who are sharing, spreading, teaching, and learning the Word continues to be SUCH a joy for us!
Thank you for all your prayers!
Everyday I read of your life and adventures I find myself truly blessed. I find joy in seeing God continually working in and through you. I echo the writer of Scripture when he says "I thank my God upon every rememberance of you"
ReplyDeleteIn His Love,