It has been SO wonderful to have a weekend "away" with friends in Port-au-Prince. Stacey lived with the Benson family for each of her prior trips to Haiti, and visiting with them, and others, has been such a blessing. Several other missionary friends have come and gone this weekend, and it has been great to catch up with people that we've known for several years.
There is something restful about being in a place that holds many memories and with people who have known you for more than 2 months. Port-Au-Prince, as well, is much more modern than Cap-Haitien, and it has been nice to drive on paved roads, go to a grocery store, go to a "fast food" place...all the luxuries that come with visiting the capital of Haiti :)
This time has also given us a few days to step away and reflect on our first two months in Haiti and to reafirm why we are here, what we want to be doing, how we want to be spending our time, what He is calling us to...etc. It is our joy to be working here in Haiti, and we are blessed to be a part of a ministry that truly excites us, challenges us, and is something that we believe strongly in.
What a valuable time! We are heading back to Cap-Haitien at 2 PM today, and will then have the evening to prepare for classes started back up tomorrow.
Pictured here are children of some of the women Stacey worked a lot with in 2002 and in 2004.
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