It is April, and we are now completely burried in snow. Again! Sigh. We have resigned to waiting for Spring another 3 weeks for when we finish language school and head south. We had our last day of class today before our mini-Easter break. We have several things to look forward to this Easter. Stacey's reading partner and good friend has invited us to share Good Friday with her family in Victoriaville, Quebec. While Christine and her sister are the only family members (of 9) who speak English, it should be a fun night! Then we are spending Saturday and Sunday in Maine at Stacey's uncles home...it will be great to be in "a real house" for the holiday, and Matt is very excited about having lobster for Easter Sunday! This Easter in snow...next Easter in a place where no one has ever SEEN snow!
Make a snow angel for me buddy. And please pray for the phillies, they are 0-3.