
14 February 2007

just kidding!

We actually will NOT be going out for Valentine's Day after all. We made it halfway there only to find many of the roads still unplowed and covered in 20 inches of snow. These pictures show our front walk and our neighbors car. We are in...for a while. So, it is pancakes for dinner and hopes of going out for Valentine's Day...maybe by next Wednesday?


  1. Funny how in the pictures, that blanket of snow looks so soft and warm...

    We haven't gotten hit that hard this winter, but parts of NY definitely have--I've heard as high as 12 feet in places. So, instead of your neighbor's car, it could have been your entire first story :)

    I love the first picture of that snow valley leading up to the door, by the way.

    Hope you guys had a good time yesterday despite the weather!

  2. Dude, where's my car?! I could have sworn I parked it right there...oh.
    - Dale, the unfortunate neighbor
