
29 June 2024


Emma and I are safely back home from board meetings in Lima, Ohio and Sofie is safely home from camp...what a whirlwind!!

I am SO thankful I went...but hate being away from my main crew!  

Emma did incredibly well for all the driving, flights, busses, hotels, and time with a lotta fantastic ladies she'd never met! I am so thankful for Aunt Sharon who loved on her well through all those hours and hours of meetings, and thankful Emma had that precious time with Sharon. I am also incredibly grateful for the neighbors, friends and family who helped here with Nora, Ben and Lily, especially Hannah who took them to the Science Museum, the pool and the trampoline park and made sure Matt got done everything he needed to this week!

It ALWAYS takes a village. If you're not taking a village and not a part of someone's village...we are all missing out :)

OMS Board Meetings were a gift. 

Yes, there are the travel hours, the finance hours, the operations hours, the statistics. But there are also reports from missionaries around the globe on what God's doing.  

Hearing the stories of the Gospel going forth around the globe, of faithful ones of every tribe, tongue and nation, of Christians emerging from prison only to head straight back to evangelism and church-planting, of God at work in mighty and mysterious and powerful ways around the world….It revigorates my prayers, deepens my faith and BIG-broadens my perspective.
There is one kingdom, and it is His. There is one lasting work, and it is His. There is one cause, one message, one answer, one mission, and I love being a teeny, tiny, passionate part of it, by His grace.
There is a huge need for imperfect, uncertain, abandoned-to-Jesus missionaries, and if that sounds like you for one week or one month or one year or one life….email me!

We've been with One Mission Society since 2005, and I have never felt as hopeful and excited about what God's doing through OMS than now.

We also got to see my sister, the cousins, and Cindy for two precious hours, and Molly and Payton and Emma for two to have dinner and precious time with board members from around the globe and with lifetimes of ministry and missionary and pastoral experience. Meetings were hosted this year by US Plastics, a company that gives, and has given, 100% of its dividends to OMS since 1955.  I've heard the story for 20 years, but walking it's halls was SACRED.  

The day to day can trip me up. The daily burdens can feel so heavy. Stepping away for a few days not for rest, but for His work, was a beautiful gift. 

I have a few little ways the Lord met me specifically over the days...tomorrow :)

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