
12 November 2023


Friday, Cindy Yaya, Dad's wife, came to surprise the kids for the weekend. It's not easy surprising this crew (especially Lily who is nosey as can be!) but the day after Matt and Lily got back from Czech, Yaya flew in and helped me pick them up from school!

It's been a cold and rainy weekend and Emma has had a miserable stomach bug, but we've had good time with Cindy...some with just the littles, some with just the bigs, and last night she even braved pizza and movie night so Matt and I could go to dinner and I could finally hear all about his trip!  

Last time she was here was with Grandpa, and it's not lost on me how much brave she had to muster up to plan, travel, organize and visit alone! It's meant so much to all of us, and the kids have been thrilled to have some fun time with Yaya and to share their life with her...playing games, doing art, baking, running errands, even peeling potatoes :)

Matt and Lily are almost adjusted to the time change again, and we have one big school week before Thanksgiving break.  Praying for healing for Emma, and we are ready!

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