
18 November 2023

Also add to the holidays a broken foot...and the stomach bug.  

Man alive. Sofie came down wrong on Wednesday and was casted Thursday for a broken foot : no water, no only two plans for the next week. Dear girl is so disappointed and is finding lugging a toe-to-knee cast exhausting.

Then Ben had a happy Friday and woke up at 1 am with vomiting and diarrhea...poor boy was dragging today as we packed and did countless loads of laundry. I am praying tomorrow he can eat something and perk up a bit...and most that no one else gets whatever bug he's battling. 

Our Addy girl turned 6 today in Costa Rica and our Miracle Mayah turns five tomorrow...I miss them dearly and they are having SUCH a good time. 

Praying for many of you this Thanksgiving as you live like Jesus in situations that can be both sweet and stretching.  

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