I'm trying to keep this better updated for Dad's friends and family...
It was a weird day. Dad woke up totally flipped and armed with a plan : to get a port and drain put in to get all the fluid around his lungs off. They called the hospital, somehow got him in, and Matt took him. They drove the hour and spent the day at Moffit Cancer Center, had the surgery outpatient, spent a few hours recovering and Matt brought him home. It all went well, but by the time they got home, he was in considerable pain, which dominated the evening.
Yesterday they called hospice and said goodbye. Today, he had treatment/surgery and wants to keep fighting.
I am incredibly thankful Matt is there. As much as we are missing him...especially now...I am so grateful he is there for this...that Cindy and Dad are not alone, that he can help them and be there. I'm so grateful God has him there for such a time as this, whatever it looks like...that he's been able to keep Lisa and I updated without us having to add to what Dad and Cindy are dealing with, all of it.
The Lord knows, and as I ran kiddos left and right today, I was so thankful He had Lisa and Adam and I there right when we were and that Matt is able to be there now to help and pray and love on them both...and to have lots of bittersweet time with Dad today and to give Cindy some badly needed rest.
Meanwhile...Beth brought me coffee and Morgan brought groceries and flowers...Erica brought over dinner and Hannah did all of Matt's morning school runs and Lady Jane picked up Lily. I needed extra love and strength and help today and I'm so thankful, and so grateful for little reminders that you're praying.
Thank you for being our dear people...He reminds me that He is near and faithful through you.