
23 January 2023

our FB update

 Tonight at dinner, the kids and I read every single verse about every single thing the Bible says about heaven, while baby banged smashed avocado on her tray. Two wanted to know because their beloved grandpa is already with Jesus. Four more because their beloved grandpa's on his way. It matters--not what we like to think heaven is--but what He promises it is.

Just a week ago, I had the privilege of finally being the one who went to be with my dad....instead of the hundreds of times in 40 years he has come to be with me. The Lord gave my sister Lisa Northam, brother-in-law and I some bittersweet days of helping, sitting, talking, listening, laughing and crying with Dad and Cindy. We headed home with the fullest broken hearts, and since Thursday, Matt has been there, doing the same sacred things while Dad borders eternity.

We read all kinds of majesty tonight, amazing images of pearl and presence and power dancing in our heads, but it struck the kiddos most that heaven has no darkness, no shadows, no night, no end to each day or season...and no lamps or lights, either.

Just Him, for "they will see his face, His name will be on them, and the glory of God gives it light, and they will reign forever and ever."

This season has held so much darkness and suffering and pain. Some days I can't hardly see, the shadows of brokenness are so thick and heavy and ink.

But man alive, did the kids and I long for the warmth and rest of His forever light tonight, our heavenly home. Just for Him...all the radiant light we can imagine, all in Him and on Him and from Him, forever.

If you're ever hesitant to BE it, shine might be the only flicker of true life those in darkness will ever see. If you're still hesitant or waiting to embrace it, He is NOT hesitant to embrace you, and His light is both now and fully forever-more. And if you're in that dark night of the soul, as I am, keep clinging not to our own thoughts, but to His...not our perspective, but to His promises.

"In each place I encounter this pain,
let me there find your Spirit at work,
shaping my heart, so that day by day
I am becoming one who leans
with greater expectation into the fullness
of the coming redemption." --D.K. McKelvey

Pray for my dad--what a good and faithful father he has been-- as he suffers. Death will not have the final word. Hope is kept.


  1. Praying for all of you and am so thankful for the hope in Christ you share. Blessings and hugs. A&L

  2. Well said, Stacey. Heaven is never so real as it is in the dark. -RS
