
04 June 2021

are we there yet?

 Oh man...we are on hour 19 of our 19 hour drive and we are all so ready to be there :)  Lisa is driving down to Aunt Lori's to meet us tonight and puppy sit for us, and get sweet kitty for Evie's birthday!  Today was Sofie's birthday, but knowing it would be a lame one with 10 hours of driving, we celebrated yesterday at Dollywood!  She and her sister rode every swirling, falling, dipping ride they could find, and Nora and Ben rode every hopping, spinning, soaring ride they had the height for.  It was a great way to chop up the trip and celebrate Sofie's double digits...but two days of driving and one day of amusement park with four kiddos and two furries has us beat!  So thankful for safe roads, for good time with dear kiddos, and praying that the Lord would meet us and use us these next days!! 

If you're one of our PA/Jersey/DE people, we hope to see you at Haylie's wedding tomorrow, or at church Sunday morning to kick off a four part teaching series on the Biblical basis for Spiritual Warfare, and how we can stand firm!

We're going to miss this sweet cat!  His mama was hit by a car and our neighbors found this little guy in the ditch, but taking him for Evie's birthday was a risk!  Instead, he's turned out to be the best, sweetest, most tolerant, easy cat we have EVER had!  I can't WAIT to see Evie with her years-awaited kitten! 

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