
26 October 2018


God's in our busy places, our broken places, our happy places, our day-to-day places, and I'm so thankful for that.  How often the chaos is whirling, or everything feels like it's falling apart, or the days seem dark, and I fret, only to realize that the moment I stop and speak out "Lord, help me" and He is CLOSE.  Praising the Lord for all the ways He is close, because that's always enough, the closeness of the Almighty, Lord of Heavens Armies!

Here's some ways He's been close this week...(how's He been close in yours?)
Lots of cooking with lots of visitors, but sweet time in the midst to teach and have helpers and to pray through the chopping and rolling and rising.
Lots of little ones, always, but beautiful moments and beautiful aunties and hilarious conversations, most of which include Nora telling Joel what to do, and Joel with his classic, "YESSSSSS."
Lots of pounding and painting and covering, but lots of singing and laughing and good conversations throughout.
The team of five men from the First Methodist Church of Waco have been a gift this week, working lots and joining our community well!

Sadly, it is also tarantula season (with the coming rains)...but they do delight the girls, so I'm trying to find the gratefulness.
Lots of work, and in the middle, these sweet men bringing us joy and working on a book about the Holy Spirit, and one on rolling over :)
He is close, and even more than that comforts me for my life, it comforts me to know that He is close to those I wish I could be close to, to those struggling and to those hurting...He is close and ready to help us grow!

Heading into a busy weekend with one team out and two teams in and several of our Emmaus team heading out, too!

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