
16 August 2017

this is us

It's catch-up on steroids down here right now...I wish we still had five weeks of summer to get ready, but it is here!  It's catching up with friends and families, it's catching up with everything going on the past 5 weeks, it's catching up with staff (and one just awesome staff meeting...coming soon), catching up on getting meat butchered and chickens ordered and milk pasteurized and getting back into the bread business, catching up the girls on taking 5 weeks off homeschool and getting back at multiplication tables and science lessons, catching up on all the visitor details coming for the next 4 weeks to teach in our regular program, teach in our Master's program, teach in IWU's master's program, and TOMORROW it'll be catching up with all our students and meeting a bunch more for our annual kick-off student retreat and orientation.


But first, I'm FINALLY getting to catch YOU up on the video project that's been in the works since JANUARY.

Maybe you've prayed and supported for years, but have never been.  Maybe you helped build the campus 9,10 years ago, but have no idea what God is up to through EBS these days.  Maybe you've supported a student but never gone to class with them, maybe you've supported an outreach, but never hiked the hills, maybe you've supported a tent church, but never heard it full.  Maybe you've simply followed this blog, our family, heard a million stories, but never seen it all come together. 

SO.  Here it is.  This is us.

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