
31 July 2017

Sharptown Sunday

Nora Joy is finally back...happy and busy and eating and chatting, and it is SO GOOD to have her feeling better and herself again.  Makes things a LOT easier, which came right in the nick of time, because Sunday was a blessing and a bruiser.  

Matt got in at 9:30 Saturday night, we quickly unpacked and repacked and got to bed, and Sunday morning started early with happy girls, getting ready and on the road.  It was such a gift to be worshipping with our Sharptown UMC family, and especially to be sharing God's Word and work in Haiti with the Heckmans!  This is the first time we've ever shared together in the States, and it was SO fun to have them leading worship, Matt preaching, and Emily and I sharing a few stories, along with the new video.
After first service at this location, everyone rushed to second service at a different location, then back to third service, first location.  It was a little nuts, but Lily, Sof, and Nora were excited to be with E and Haylie, and even had a chance to attend Sunday School, which they were both excited was in English! 
Pastor Doug!

We got out of there around 2 after talking to some fantastic and faithful people, then headed to Uncle Terri and Aunt Lori's for a few hours to crash and have lunch.  ANY time with this family is special, and I'm so thankful to have had good time with Patrick and Amy, Eli and Judah, too.  Nora was excited to have good time with Bella.
Nothing has been easy for this family, but watching Uncle Terri and Aunt Lori love Jesus wholey and faithfully and with great trust is inspiring and encouraging...just deeply.  So thankful to call them family.

Then we headed to the Heckman's parents house for an amazingly fun and relaxing night with more good friends, Phil's mama, Stu and Cindy... Nora was running around all evening, eating from everyone, giggling and squealing and Lily and Sofie were about the same.  It was a gorgeous evening in their gorgeous yard with peaches and laughter and even horseback rides from the girls when a true cowboy was riding down the road.  So random.  

It was almost 10 by the time we finally made it to Uncle Don's, STILL in our church clothes from 6 am and all full and empty at the same time.

Uncle Don took today off, Matt took the day off, and we are sleeping in, eating good Aunt Brenda food, still in our pajamas, the girls are swimming and riding bikes, Nora is is exactly the day we needed it to be.  With His help.  And lots of love.

Matt has some amazing stories from his time at Eaton Rapids.  As soon as I stop making him rest, I'll have him write it up for us encouraging!

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