
15 March 2014

the English

So we got this picture today from Lucner and Vilmer standing in the Red Sea, and it made me happy!    

So thankful they've had this chance to be in Israel.

Lucner being gone meant I taught his English class today, which was for about 75 men and women in the community.  The more I do things like this the more convinced I am that English is such a huge door for foreigners to share the Gospel and to disciple week after week in Haiti (and perhaps in many other cultures, as well.)  

People come for the English, but they will STAY for as many weeks as you will for the Bible if that is your English text.

There is no audience so raptured and dedicated, and of the 75 I taught today only a small handful professed to be believers.  My Evangelical English program from a few years ago is calling from my closet....hmmmmm...

Teaching non-believers today also greatly accentuated for me the HOLY SPIRIT in our students at Emmaus.  When I look out at my students at EBS, you can SEE Jesus in them...truly.  Can SEE light in their eyes.  Understanding.  His love.  

When I stood before 75 non-believers today, teaching them the EXACT same things, and though they were wonderful young men and women I was thankful to have a few hours with, His presence that I am so used to in my students was void.  Entirely.  

1) what a mission field!

2) what a blessing to testify of sighting Jesus, alive and well, in so many of the young men and women around us at EBS.

Tomorrow we are off for church and home for a day of rest with two sniffly girls and their tired parents. 

Tomorrow's post...big news.
It's time.

(we are not pregnant.  STOP :)

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