
26 March 2014

little gratefulnesses

We're all really thankful to have had Autumn here...there are just a lot of people that we wouldn't mind if they would stay forever, and Autumn is now one of them.  So thankful for the chance to take our family friendship from "this nice girl we met once or twice" to dear friendship.  Most of our guests are men, so to have a girl to stay up with night after night and share our lives and ministries and burdens with each other was a blessing....and greater still to spend our last too-late night in prayer for each other.
It reminded me how much praying for each other (and letting the other HEAR our conversation with God about them) can be one of life's biggest encouragements, restorations and blessings.  

As she headed off with Maxi back to her life several hours from here, mine felt sweeter...the blessing of a few days walked with a fellow sister in Christ.
Now, we are really thankful to have Charles here!  Last semester, he started a pilot discipleship program with a small group of alumni as a test group, and he is back now to hear their results and feedback.  Any day that Charles, Enick, Ezeckiel, Juinor, Belo, Jodenel, Blaise and Ernst are all in one place, it's a good day!

It's also always a blessing to have Mr. Lake (or Mr. Ocean, Mr. River, Mr. Sea...according to our toddlers who think this is the best joke in the world...) in our home!  He radiates Godliness.  

Our classes are going well...the girls are doing well, and it continues to be the little things that remind us why we are here, what He is doing, what is of value...: 20 minutes with Junior, Lily's prayers at lunch, dinner with Granny, a transforming discussion in class, little steps forward, a sweet community time of prayer, dried peaches from Pennsylvania, Sofie hugs, little opportunities to trust...little ways to step out on faith.

  Little gratefulnesses.  

What are some of yours?

1 comment:

  1. Such a blessing to read your blog and feel we are in some way sharing in your ministry. Greg and I are in Vietnam now teaching and thanking God daily for this wonderful opportunity He has opened up for us.
