
20 February 2014

It's in the little things...

We've been extra blessed by the little ways God is showing through lately.

It's terrible that I don't have a picture to prove it yet, but Ryan and Cheyenne are here!!  

For the last two years, so many of their decisions, moves, efforts, prayers and time have been poured into getting here, and suddenly, on just an ordinary Monday while I was in class, they are here!  Their new home is getting closer to being a home, they are working hard on their Creole, and attending classes and chapel and meeting everyone they can.  You can follow their blog here!  So thankful to have this couple join our community!

We told MFM that we needed some help getting the Weaver apartment finished, and they sent us a total stranger.   From Normal (Illinois) nonetheless :)  This is always a risk.
And we are so thankful. 

 When Rod left today, Sofie started crying, and we all felt the same way :)  Rod was not only massively helpful, especially to Don, as they tiled and built cabinets for the apartment, but he is also an incredibly humble, servant-hearted and kind man.  We are so thankful he came--yes, because of his help, but most, because of his brotherhood!
Our smallest mama, Honey, just had 2 little ones, HoneyBun and Peanut.  10 babies, 9 moms, and 2 more deliveries to go!  They're so stinkin' cute!

The girls are doing so well, loving school, loving home, loving all the friends and family around them.  Matt's three new courses this semester are proving to be a challenging blessing to him...and I'm pretty sure he's working on his doctorate in there, too!

For the first time since the second week of January, we officially are out of visitors...we're still helping Ryan and Cheyenne figure out the food ropes, and yes, Uncle Don is here, but, that's all family :)  Looking back on this incredibly full (in many ways) time of visitors, we are surprisingly blessed by just how MUCH of the last weeks have been full of family.

A small--but huge--thing the Lord's been showing me are some small glimpses of His perspective, His behind-the-scenes. 

As I was reading through Acts a few weeks ago, I arrived in chapter 2...

43 [ap]Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and[aq]signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed [ar]were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. 46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread [as]from house to house, they were taking their [at]meals together with gladness and[au]sincerity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding [av]to their number day by day those who were being saved.

 As soon as I read, "they were breaking bread and taking their meals together with gladness of heart, praising God!" that still small voice whispered to me immediately...
there were women, in the kitchen, whose servanthood made that happen.

I've never ever thought of that, having read that passage 100 times.  

While everyone was eating their meals together in godly community and praising God, there were women (I assume) washing those dishes!  MAKING that food!  Listening to the conversations and praises from the kitchen and praising God themselves.  God was USING them, and the labors of their hands, to MAKE that inspiring community--resulting in thousands of conversions and massive grow in Him and miracles abounding--of the Acts church HAPPEN.

As soon as I read it that day--holding desperately firm to my mid-day, girls-at-nap, time with the Lord--right in the middle of also trying to cook supper for 8, that still small voice changed everything.  

Most changes are gradual.  But that day, it was immediate.  My heart was changed.  Finally, this process of wrestling with a happy heart for hostessing, complete.

And the last weeks of watching and listening to and providing for "taking their meals together with gladness and praising God", I have been so blessed and rejoicing.  

When Cheyenne and I were talking on Monday, she said, "Yeah, but do you actually ENJOY cooking, because it sure seems like you go all out, and you wouldn't have to!?"  

That was when I realized it has nothing to do with enjoying or not enjoying cooking anymore.  I don't even know if I enjoy it :)! 

I enjoy creating space for the godly community we see in Acts...TODAY.  For Christ-followers today.  And it is done for the Praising of God.  

I enjoy that.  And it merits my very best.

The little things...His Word in the middle of the day, His still small voice in the middle of monotony, intentionally overlapping life with His people...can change everything, by His grace.

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