
14 February 2014

Happy Day to Love!

Happy Valentine's Day!  

While I'm not too concerned about getting all caught up in pink and gushiness, I'm never going to snub a day to deliberately focus on His love and those He's given me by His love.  Lovin' on everybody a little extra is always a good thing!  So thankful, today, especially for Matt and for these two:

Yesterday brought one more baby, making an even 8!  I love how the kids love to group and play together with the mamas close by.
Lily was to have a little party at school today and she was very excited to head off without her uniform.  Sofie was NOT excited NOT to head off, and wanted to go something awful.  
Maybe next year??  oh my.

Rod's family, one of our visitors helping with the apartment, supports a few little girls from Lily's school, and this morning he and Matt took Lily to school, let her give a tour, and he even got to meet his two girls!  Really cool...

Matt has been so incredibly over-involved lately.  Translating for a conference today, teaching THREE brand-new courses this semester, helping with the girls, with visitors and helping them do what they are here to do, administrating.  It's been a really busy time!  So thankful for him and for his pouring out.

I've got some cool Acts stuff to share, but until I do...if you are feeling monotonous, drudgery and need some excitement in your life and re-passion for Christ, JUST START READING ACTS.  I can't put it down.  Really.  Good.  Stuff.  

Finally, We love you.  Thank you for your prayers, your sweet emails, your comments, your encouragements, your help, your thoughtfulnesses, your love.  

You continually inspire us to His love.  

Happy Day!

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