
27 December 2013

last day, great day.

 We decided to finish our week together with a bang and took our family to a remote beach...not too far from the beach Royal Caribbean brought thousands of people to today.  Our boat on the right, Royal Caribbeans' on the left :)
It was a gorgeous day.  I know it's weird that this continues to surprise me after 7 years of 360 absolutely gorgeous days a year...but.  It was.
We took the kayak with us (Jarod and Jenn, I don't think we ever adequately thanked you for leaving this baby behind when you left Haiti.  THANK YOU) and paddled and swam around to different bays and beaches.

I mean.  Look at that water!  All I can say is YOU come, we will take you.

Aunt Lisa continues to be a super fun aunt :)

I love all the colorful boats.  This one says, "God says Wait."  I like that.  

Not waiting.  Just the reminder that this is often what He says.

As my sister and I were following the coast with Lily, a group of little naked Haitian boys came running down the dock, backflipping and somersaulting into the ocean and swimming out to our boat.  Lily was laughing SO HARD she couldn't breathe.   There is nothing more funny than naked to a four year old.

Love these cuties.

It has been such a blessing to have Dad, Lisa and Adam here...people who know us well, love our children well, share our memories, make new ones, encourage us, allow us to be ourselves, make us laugh and encourage us in Him.

I always know I need time with my family.  But once they come, I realize just how much I needed the encouragement of long-time, unconditional FRIENDS.  I tear up every time I think about them leaving tomorrow morning!

I hope that someday our lives are able to overlap more often.  Until then, I'm back to trusting that He will continue to be our All-in-All, continue to provide family through others when we can't be there for each other, and that His plans are perfect.  

They always have been.

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